How And Why We Rebranded Our Company (New Logo Design + Brand Identity)

I’m very excited to share with you our new look that we’ve been working on for a while. Don’t get me wrong, we love our old logo and people loved it too, but it just didn’t show the entire picture of who we are. In this post I want to share with you the whole story of what we value as a company and strive to do for our clients.

Our Story and Why We Changed Our Logo

We are not only changing our logo, but also our messaging and how we show up in the marketplace. As our company has evolved over time, and we outgrew our previous logo and core brand message, which is a natural part of every business.

Our previous logo was military-themed, and although the military is a part of our story, it’s only one strand of the fabric of our brand’s DNA. My father was in the United States Air Force and as a kid I grew up without him, which led to a grudge. However, after 24 years of resentment, I forgave him and we began down the path to reconciliation and creating a new family legacy. You can read our full story here. So, naturally I wanted our agency to bear some sort of military resemblance to represent my history with my dad. However, over time we have evolved as a company and our brand today is more dynamic than it has ever been.

Before I dive into our new logo design, come with me “behind the brand” and allow me explain to you how we got where we are today.

We See Our Clients As Family

Our clients aren’t money trees; and they’re not email addresses on our mailing list—they are our FAMILY. As cliche as that may sound, it’s true. Each time a new client comes on board, we add a new member to our family; and we build a bond with them. It’s a BONUS that we get to help them with branding and web design.

Every family, person and business leaves a legacy behind. The legacy we want to leave is that of servanthood and excellence. We strive to always have a servant’s heart when working with clients, and a high standard for excellence in design and customer service. Through our creative branding and marketing solutions we help our clients create a brand that will last for generations.

Our Philosophy

One part of our brand that has remained is our core philosophy:

“We aim to help you do what you do best–change the world.”

Whether you’re a motivational speaker, doctor, president of a non-profit, network marketer, entrepreneur, CEO, marketing director, or entertainer, you are leaving your mark on the world through what you do for people.

There are two types of people in this world:

  1. those who use others to help themselves
  2. those who use themselves to help others (which is what we do)

If you’re a business owner or leader in any capacity, every single day you pour into the lives of your clients, customers, followers, and audience. Our goal is to help you do that by empowering you to focus on what you do best. You shouldn’t worry about building your website, graphic design or being concerned about marketing metrics–you should be focused on delivering your gift to the world with all your might, heart, mind, body and soul. And, guess what? We’re going to be right here with you to guide you every step of the way.

“To Infinity and Beyond” – Behind the New Logo Design

Since our conception, “legacy” has always been the underlying theme and pulse of this agency. It is woven into every fabric of our brand, from our story, to how we treat our clients. We believe our new “infinity logo” is a visual representation of what we believe, stand for and represent–which is LEGACY.

The challenge with every logo design is finding a symbol that visually represents your core message. What better symbol represents legacy like the infinity symbol, right? We also considered using a lion, circle or octagon shapes. But, in the end the infinity symbol became the clear choice.

Sargent Branding legacy logo

We wanted our new logo to POP–something that jumps out and makes a statement. Something that makes you stare at it. We chose to use multiple colors instead of one. Each color has its own meaning of course, but for us they also represents the variety of clients we serve from different backgrounds and geographies. The gradient of the colors represent the evolution of us as an agency and individuals, and how our legacy will continue to evolve over time to mean different things to different people.


Sargent Branding Mood Board 


Another challenge in logo design is creating something with meaning behind it. Besides the infinity symbol and color variations, if you look closely, you will notice a few shapes that overlay the logo. It’s a subliminal message. Those shapes are the exact shapes in the United States Air Force logo. Remember I told you my dad was in the Air Force. We had to weave in the military theme somehow. It’s the cherry on top.

Well, there you have it. Our new brand identity and logo design. Please leave a comment and tell us what you think about it.

If you would like to rebrand your company or reinvent yourself, send us a message and let’s have a conversation about. I believe we can help you achieve greatness with your brand.

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